World Gone Mad

Friday, May 18, 2007

Immigration Abomination

The Bush/Kennedy/McCain "compromise immigration reform" bill they are trying to fast-track should be run out of town on a rail. John McCain is finished as a serious Presidential candidate, too.

This is amnesty by any other name. The ruling political class (which includes Bush) thinks they can fool all the dumb fundamentalist Christians one more time.

Here is a picture worth a thousand words -- the draft markup (some 400 pages, mind you!) of the bill photographed next to the Holy Bible. Guess which one is bigger?

Oh, and this is not the final version of the bill either -- that is reported to be over 1,000 pages.

Call and email Congress now -- Hugh Hewitt has links here.

This horror must be stopped, and stopped now!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

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12:44 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You are right!! The fact that the draft typed on 8.5x11 paper is bigger makes it truly horrible!

We all know that big things are better than small things, so this is an abomination!

I'm sure Christ would agree. He hated immigrants!!!

12:47 PM  

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