World Gone Mad

Friday, May 04, 2007

A Dark Day In America -- May 3, 2007

A day that will live forever in infamy -- the United States House of Representatives, abusing the very freedoms purchased for them in blood by thousands of Christians and others who founded our country on the Biblical principles of freedom and liberty -- passed by the shameful vote of 237-180 a so-called "hate crimes" bill which will lead quickly and inevitably to the criminalization of Biblical preaching on homosexuality.

George Washington, John Adams, Sam Adams, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and the other Founding Fathers would be turning over in their graves if they could see this abomination.

Every single U.S. representative should hang their head in shame.

We must all pray for our beloved country. We must pray that President Bush will veto this bill, which is likely to pass the Senate.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! You're so right! Because legislation that attaches additional penalties to hate crimes is just so wrong.

I mean, if I want to beat up some fag in the name of Christ, I should be able to do so without consequences, right?

12:49 PM  

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