World Gone Mad

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Gov. Bush, Obey The Laws of God, Not the Laws of Men

It is almost a foregone conclusion the U.S. Supreme Court will not hear the appeal of the parents of Terri Schiavo.

A political precedent for Pres. Bush to intervene and order federal marshals or troops in to prevent carrying out Judge Greer's death order does exist. Traditionally, the federal government has deferred to states in matters involving guardianship and family law. However, presidents have exercised their executive powers to intervene in desegregation disputes in the South during the 1960's.

If President Bush declines to intervene, the next step would be up to Gov. Bush. The issue he will face, while painful, is clear: should he obey the laws of God, or the laws of men? He cannot do both.

As a Christian, his duty is clear -- he must stand on the side of life, no matter what the cost. Let us pray and work to that end, and then go and do likewise.


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