World Gone Mad

Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Nation of Cows?

So the U.S. Supremist Court has ruled that no state can impose the death penalty on anyone under 18 --now what? Will there be a single voice raised in the White House or the Congress against this despicable outrage?

We now have a majority of Supremist Court justices (plus one waffler) who have no qualms whatsoever about overruling the will of the duly elected representatives of the people (that means YOU and YOUR CHILDREN). What's worse, they are more willing to trust European countries and the United Nations than they are the considered judgments of American juries!

In other words, your vote doesn't count, your jury service doesn't count, your elected state representatives don't count. You are nothing. We, the nine Wise Men and Women, will decide everything important for you. We smart people just feel like this is the right thing to do, and you dumb people will just have to go along with it.

Do I exaggerate? Read Justice Scalia's brilliant dissent -- he guts the majority's non-reasoning and exposes it for what it is.

I will blog later with some of the dead-on quotes from Justice Scalia's dissent -- which, like his brilliant dissent in Lawrence v. Texas and his many others, should be required reading in all our law schools.

For now, though, the question is whether freedom-loving citizens will do what freedom requires them to do -- march in the streets against these tyrants in black robes! These in-justices are systematically dismantling brick by brick the freedoms our Founding Fathers built so carefully (and prayerfully) into our Constitution.

Will anyone care? Will George Bush speak out? Does anyone even realize what's being done to them?

Or are we now a Nation of Cows?


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